Can non-white siblings have different skin color?


Obviously, I’m white and ignorant.

My daughter and I have been reading Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o, which is a children’s book about a girl’s frustrations with her dark skin and learning acceptance of herself. (Great book.)

Sulwe’s family are all have very different skin tones. Sulwe is very dark but her sister is much lighter. Is that common for full siblings or artistic license for the story? As a white person, I have absolutely no basis for comparison.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Children, especially mixed children, can be different shades. Most black and a substantial portion of white people (those that are more than 2nd or 3rd generation, at least) in America are (typically) unacknowledged mixed race.

As a white person, I suggest watching the masterful film, “The Human Stain” with Sir Anthony Hopkins as it is a good jumping off point for this topic.

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