Can our brains run full?


The claim that we use only 10% of our brain capacity is a well-known myth. But if we actually use considerably more than 10%, is it possible to get close to maximum capacity? In other words: Is there a point where I have to say, “If I want to lean a new fact, I have to forget an old one to make room for it”?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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The brain folds and grows throughout your whole life.

In theory you could “fill up” if your brain no longer had room to expand, but currently no creature lives long enough for that to happen.

We lose brain capability as we age not due to lack of space but due to cellular division losing tiny bits of dna with each division, gradually losing us the ability to sustain certain functions once the dna segment related to it is no longer able to be read fully.

In a way it’s like every time your cells divide you lose a single link of dna. And that resulting shorter dna strand is now the blueprint to build a version of you that is a little older than before.

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