Can people actually tell the emotions from someone just by looking at their eyes like in books?


Can people actually tell the emotions from someone just by looking at their eyes like in books?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Research Dr. Paul Ekman – scientist who studied micro-expressions and was the inspiration for the show *Lie To Me* starring Tim Roth.

Amazing work on recognising human emotion through facial muscle movements that last less than 1/20th of a second. His book *Telling Lies* is pretty interesting and became required reading for US government interrogators, but his other book *Emotions Revealed* is a how-to on doing it yourself and recognising emotions and intent in others.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know about other people, but I can certainly read my immediate future in my wife’s eyes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. It’s an aspect of social intelligence. There’s actually a test for it, called Reading the Mind in the Eyes, where you’re given black-and-white pictures of eyes with eyebrows and have to choose which one of the four complicated emotions is being displayed.

If you’re interested, the test is [here]( (click Eyes Test – Adults for the instructions and test file) and the scientific paper explaining it is [here]( (pdf file). According to the paper, the average score is ~26 correct out of 36 questions for both men and women. It’s kind of fun to take – I didn’t think I’d be able to tell anything when I first took it, but you really are able to identify more than you think.

EDIT: There’s also a version that’s entirely online [here]( I think that one will score you automatically at the end, but you also have to answer some age/gender/income questions before starting so that the computer can compare your score to similar people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To a degree, depending on how expressive the person is, yes. There’s a reason a lot of pro poker players develop a “poker face”, or just wear big sunglasses.