Can people with HPV have children?


I’m not talking about infertility, just the fact that you need to stop using protection to have them.

When a person has HPV and not the other, and they want a child, do they do it anyways with the risk of infecting the other person? Is there a treatment? Or they need to use IVF?

I really don’t understand how it works. I also hear that you can test negative and suddenly have a positive result, and that the virus can get “deactivated” and you can have it without spreading it.

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Almost everyone has or has been exposed to HPV at some point in their life. Its something like 80-90% of sexually active adults have HPV.

Having HPV does not warrant going through IVF.

Also, condoms do not always prevent the transmission of HPV. The only way to be sure you’re never exposed is to remain abstinent you’re entire life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Almost everyone has or has been exposed to HPV at some point in their life. Its something like 80-90% of sexually active adults have HPV.

Having HPV does not warrant going through IVF.

Also, condoms do not always prevent the transmission of HPV. The only way to be sure you’re never exposed is to remain abstinent you’re entire life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Almost everyone has or has been exposed to HPV at some point in their life. Its something like 80-90% of sexually active adults have HPV.

Having HPV does not warrant going through IVF.

Also, condoms do not always prevent the transmission of HPV. The only way to be sure you’re never exposed is to remain abstinent you’re entire life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the HPV entry in Wikipedia:

>Nearly every sexually active individual is infected by HPV at some point in their lives.[[4]]( HPV is the most common [sexually transmitted infection (STI)](, globally.[[5]](

HPV is extremely common, and is not just transmitted sexually. Quite often HPV infections are asymptomatic.

HPV does not directly affect pergnancy. Infected mothers usually pass HPV to baby at some point during pregnancy or childbirth.

The human immune system usually clears the virus within 2 years (in 90 percent of cases); some debate exists on whether the virus is actually eradicated, or simply reduced to undetectable levels.

Since HPV is responsible for they vast majority of cervical cancers, inoculation against HPV is recommended for middle school children so that they are protected against infection before becoming sexually active. Even for women who are infected however, cervical cancer is extremely rare, and can be detected while easily treatable through an annual pap smear.

If either you or your partner were infected prior to meeting each other, regular unprotected sexual activity between you almost certainly means both of you are now infected. Condoms effectively limit the spread of many different STIs, but provide limited protection against HPV transmission.

The short answer is that the HPV infection should not be the factor that determines whether or not you decide to have children.

EDIT: I incorrectly indicated that HPV causes cold sores. The Herpes Simplex Virus causes cold sores, not HPV.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s important to remember that HPV is extremely common, and most people will be exposed to it at some point in their lives. While it is possible to pass HPV to a partner, it’s also important to note that the human immune system usually clears the virus within two years and that cervical cancer is very rare and easily treatable. Ultimately, the decision to have children should be based on other factors, and not on the presence of HPV.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s important to remember that HPV is extremely common, and most people will be exposed to it at some point in their lives. While it is possible to pass HPV to a partner, it’s also important to note that the human immune system usually clears the virus within two years and that cervical cancer is very rare and easily treatable. Ultimately, the decision to have children should be based on other factors, and not on the presence of HPV.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s important to remember that HPV is extremely common, and most people will be exposed to it at some point in their lives. While it is possible to pass HPV to a partner, it’s also important to note that the human immune system usually clears the virus within two years and that cervical cancer is very rare and easily treatable. Ultimately, the decision to have children should be based on other factors, and not on the presence of HPV.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the HPV entry in Wikipedia:

>Nearly every sexually active individual is infected by HPV at some point in their lives.[[4]]( HPV is the most common [sexually transmitted infection (STI)](, globally.[[5]](

HPV is extremely common, and is not just transmitted sexually. Quite often HPV infections are asymptomatic.

HPV does not directly affect pergnancy. Infected mothers usually pass HPV to baby at some point during pregnancy or childbirth.

The human immune system usually clears the virus within 2 years (in 90 percent of cases); some debate exists on whether the virus is actually eradicated, or simply reduced to undetectable levels.

Since HPV is responsible for they vast majority of cervical cancers, inoculation against HPV is recommended for middle school children so that they are protected against infection before becoming sexually active. Even for women who are infected however, cervical cancer is extremely rare, and can be detected while easily treatable through an annual pap smear.

If either you or your partner were infected prior to meeting each other, regular unprotected sexual activity between you almost certainly means both of you are now infected. Condoms effectively limit the spread of many different STIs, but provide limited protection against HPV transmission.

The short answer is that the HPV infection should not be the factor that determines whether or not you decide to have children.

EDIT: I incorrectly indicated that HPV causes cold sores. The Herpes Simplex Virus causes cold sores, not HPV.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the HPV entry in Wikipedia:

>Nearly every sexually active individual is infected by HPV at some point in their lives.[[4]]( HPV is the most common [sexually transmitted infection (STI)](, globally.[[5]](

HPV is extremely common, and is not just transmitted sexually. Quite often HPV infections are asymptomatic.

HPV does not directly affect pergnancy. Infected mothers usually pass HPV to baby at some point during pregnancy or childbirth.

The human immune system usually clears the virus within 2 years (in 90 percent of cases); some debate exists on whether the virus is actually eradicated, or simply reduced to undetectable levels.

Since HPV is responsible for they vast majority of cervical cancers, inoculation against HPV is recommended for middle school children so that they are protected against infection before becoming sexually active. Even for women who are infected however, cervical cancer is extremely rare, and can be detected while easily treatable through an annual pap smear.

If either you or your partner were infected prior to meeting each other, regular unprotected sexual activity between you almost certainly means both of you are now infected. Condoms effectively limit the spread of many different STIs, but provide limited protection against HPV transmission.

The short answer is that the HPV infection should not be the factor that determines whether or not you decide to have children.

EDIT: I incorrectly indicated that HPV causes cold sores. The Herpes Simplex Virus causes cold sores, not HPV.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re worried about HPV, get vaccinated for it, then go ahead and have kids. HPV is mostly harmless and the vaccine tends to prevent the rare complication of cancer.