Can some explain what exactly is Universal Grammar and how does it relate to language acquisition?


Can some explain what exactly is Universal Grammar and how does it relate to language acquisition?

In: Other

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Universal grammar is a linguistic theory, proposed by Noam Chomsky, that argues that the ability to learn language is something that humans are simply born with, an ability that’s passed down through our genes.

Before Chomsky, it was assumed that humans were born basically blank, that we came into the world with no abilities whatsoever, and so when we learned language, we learned it purely by trial and error, basically. Like the common attitude was that babies just made random sounds, adults either rewarded them for making the right sounds, or punished them for making the wrong sounds, and that’s how kids learned to speak.

Chomsky proposed that we’re actually born with some potential skills already implanted in our brains, an inborn ability to recognize and use basic patterns and rules that are common to all human languages. So that’s basically what they mean by “Universal Grammar”, it’s that inborn ability to recognize the essential patterns of human speech, even when we’re newborns and haven’t had time to be taught any specific words.