can someone explain me the concept of time, like I know that black holes can distort time, but how?


can someone explain me the concept of time, like I know that black holes can distort time, but how?

In: 19

10 Answers

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There’s still a lot we don’t understand about time. But what we do understand is that time and space are part of the same thing. They are directly tied together. Everything you do and experience isn’t just moving through space, but also through time as well. Fundamentally, everything in the universe travels through space and time at the same speed, and that speed matches the speed of light. This is why the closer you get to the speed of light, the more time slows down to someone outside watching you. You’re trading your speed in time for speed in space. This is why we say photons don’t experience time. All of their speed is in space and none of it in time.

Since time and space are tied together, what happens if you distort that space-time thing? Just like a balloon, if you inflate it you suddenly have more space-time to traverse. A black hole causes a massive distortion that basically stretches that thing. It’s like a treadmill. The closer you get to that black hole, the more space gets stretched under your feet. Everything in the universe travels at the same speed in space-time. In order to keep the same speed while space is getting stretched, you have to slow down in time because you have to go faster in space.

This is the general idea and I’m leaving out some things regarding relativity. But that should at least give you a general idea of why gravity impacts time. All gravity causes this, but it’s just really obvious when we talk about black holes.

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