Just like your normal adult teeth they can’t come in until your baby teeth are gone and there’s room for them. Kids only have 20 teeth and adults have 32 (including wisdom). You usually lose molars later in childhood and your jaw still needs to grow for them to emerge.
They hurt because growing teeth kinda hurts and they can start growing before they have enough room which causes your other teeth to shift (hurts) and why they get removed a lot of times.
It’s a combination of multiple things.
I believe one is an evolutionary point. We didn’t really have dentistry, and in fact, a barber was also considered a surgeon who’d often remove bad teeth. With teeth going bad, and being removed, it’s was beneficial to have a couple come in later to replace them. Toothpaste only came around the 1850s.
On top of that, teeth are a sort of miraculous creation, where they are super tough and sturdy. Being able to bite into hard things, and even break bones and still be good for years to come. Other animals have beaks, some like sharks, just keep growing new ones.
Those hard teeth bunch uptogether in your jaw and cause pain, because there isn’t enough room or a cavity forms. Considering our teeth are hard enough to break bone. Trying to fit them all into bone is a bit difficult.
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