can someone explain the psychology behind the reluctantly to admit when you’re wrong?


can someone explain the psychology behind the reluctantly to admit when you’re wrong?

In: Biology

9 Answers

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To admit that your wrong about a specific thing or things could mean that everything you have done up to that point was wrong, so your stupid, old people or people in general don’t like feeling that they’re stupid.

An example is that some people grew up being taught that god exist, then when your an adult you would realize the fallacy of the religion and its basically complete bullshit. But your 20-30 years in too deep, to admit that a supernatural god does not exist means that everything you believed up to that point is a lie. It would cause unbearable emotional distress, therefore people suppress facts and logic to go along with the narrative that a almighty being created this universe and bless us all with his holy juices.

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