can someone explain the SCP foundation for my friend?


can someone explain the SCP foundation for my friend?

In: Culture

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are some people who enjoy telling stories that sound true but aren’t.

There is an even smaller number of people that enjoy telling stories that try to make others feel schizophrenic.

SCP stands for Secure, Contain, Protect.

If you read these stories and feel uncomfortable, it’s because someone actively tried to falsely frighten you.

Edit: autocorrect sucks

Edit 2: 5 year old explinations guys/gals. Read the subreddit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The SCP Foundation is a collection of short-form science-fiction horror narratives (excepting the -J joke articles) in one of two forms: clinical object descriptions, or Tales, more “typical” prose.

The idea for the Foundation arose out of a post on 4chan’s paranormal /x/ board detailing depicting what in is in reality a strange art sculpture, but it’s passed as being a weird creature.

The user Roget collected a [series of essays]( on the SCP Foundation’s history which is actually pretty comprehensive, if a little outdated at this point.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The SCP foundation is where people post stories about Creatures called SCPS.
It stands for secure, contain, protect. The SCPs are differentiated by Numbers.
(ex: SCP 682, SCP 96, SCP 173) . These stories are fake but sound realistic,
they are all horror stories except for the joke board.
The SCPs are based off sculptures or pictures of animals, but edited.
The SCPs are also contained in facilities.
You can read more about in the comments below.