Can someone please explain to me how cousins work? First, second, third cousins? Removed cousins? Twice removed cousins?

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I tried to Google it but it got VERY confusing very fast, if anyone could dumb it down for me that would be great lol

In: Biology

8 Answers

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To help understand this, you need to be thinking *forwards* from the direct common ancestor of you and your cousins, not from yourself.

If you are first cousins, *one* of you has ONE generation between you and your last common ancestor. That is, Grandma had 2 kids, your mum and your aunt, and then there’s you and your cousin.

If you are second, or third, then you’re additional generations down and share the same great-grandma, great-great grandma, etc.

The “removed” describes the difference in which generation you’re in if there is one.

There’s 1 generation between me and our ancestor. It goes grandma -> mum -> me

There’s 2 generations between you and our ancestor. From MY perspective, It goes grandma -> my aunt -> my first cousin -> You

There’s a 1 generation difference between you and me. So you are ONCE removed.

From your perspective, it goes great grandma -> grandma -> mum -> you.

[Here’s a nice image explaining all that](

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