Can someone please tell me why the US gradeschool (even up through highschool) usesthe “A, B, C,D and F” system to grade? Why did they exclude the E?


Can someone please tell me why the US gradeschool (even up through highschool) usesthe “A, B, C,D and F” system to grade? Why did they exclude the E?

In: Other

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had someone in teaching administration who designs curriculum and such tell me a “better” way to understand it, ABCDF is just shorthand. A proper method would look more like:

A = “very high level of understanding/knowledge, and performance

B = “high level of understanding/knowledge, and performance”

C = satisfactory

D = Unsatisfactory

F / Fail = failed to meet / does not meet minimum standards

This is a much better way to view it. The letters are just shorthand for a level of performance you attained. Taken, if you’re graded on a curve, this system likely would not apply, this is more for static grades.

E is not relevant as once you reach “D” you’re unsatisfactory and the only worse grade is to not meet standards, hence, F, fail. If we had E, we’d have an additional level of unsatisfactory achievement which is unnecessary.

A D allows you to assign a performance that does not fail (ie you exceeded minimum
Standards, but not by much) but indicates your did not have perform in an acceptable manner and did not learn the skills necessary. There’s not much to go down from there other than F – failed to meet minimum standards.

In many cases, D is not a passing grade as you were unsatisfactory

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