Can someone plz explain internet ping?


I see this term used in video games when checking on the internet connection, but I dont understand completely. Can someone explain?

In: Technology

6 Answers

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Ping is how long it takes for a signal to go from your computer to a server and back to you. A higher ping means that it takes more time to send and receive data; at higher pings, you will most likely experience lag/latency since it takes longer for your information to travel to the server and back. This is SUPER critical in video games where real-time actions are needed, like shooters, RTS games, and MOBAs, since your data needs to get to the server, then be distributed to the other players (and vice versa). A player with lower ping can effectively react faster than a player with higher ping since the lower ping player sends their commands/inputs faster to the server AND receives updates about the current status of the game faster than a higher ping player.

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