: Can someone trigger an allergic reaction by simply touching whatever they’re allergic to? If so, how does it work?


: Can someone trigger an allergic reaction by simply touching whatever they’re allergic to? If so, how does it work?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can if you have a contact allergy, but I assume you’re talking about food allergies mostly?

It all depends on how allergic you are to something.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes! You can have touch allergies. For example, if someone was allergic to something like peanuts or a fruit, they could have an allergic reaction by touching that item, and then rubbing their eyes or face or something.

How does that work – Basically an allergy to something like nuts or bananas or whatever is your immune system reacting to something it really shouldn’t be reacting to. And in some cases, that reaction is very volatile. So, for example, lets say I was allergic to peanuts, and I touched some peanut dust by accident. Then later, I rubbed my eye.

Well, our immune system lives in our blood, and our blood is everywhere. So as soon as our immune system in the eye detected the peanut dust, it would be like “HEY EVERYONE, I NEED BACKUP NOWWWW!!!” and then your immune system would overreact to that exposure.

The response may be less. So you might just get a really inflamed eye or some minor reactions to the eye being rubbed, where if you ate a peanut you might go into severe shock.

But definitely it can and does happen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes they can, you can go into anaphylactic shock just by touching a peanut if your allergic to it. I don’t know how it works but I know you can get allergy just by touching it.