Can you change the flavour of meat by changing the diet of the animal?


For example, if you feed an animal a diet of something such as mushrooms it’s whole life could this make the meat of the animal taste slightly like mushroom?
I think this is the right tag but please correct me if I am wrong.

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think strong flavoured foods are noticeable in the meat if it’s a major part of a diet, but not always directly tasting of the food they were fed. So I’ve had rose veal that definitely tastes of milk (which is its food). Pata negra pigs from Spain have a distinct nutty flavour from the acorns they consume. And I know of European mountain sheep that live mostly on herbs who’s milk (that is made in to a cheese) and meat tastes of the herbs. I don’t know if you could raise a chicken on garlic and thyme or pigs on apples and directly taste it though.

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