can you please explain the visuals of electrical signals


**I ended up asking a few questions actually so I don’t expect everyone to sit and answer all but if you happen to know the answer to one I would love to know**

For example internet

Say someone on the other side of the world sent you a message, what would that look like?

*Knowing nothing, I’m going to guess what I think please correct me (I’m just guessing so you can see what I am asking because I don’t know how to ask the question like the question sounded weird but idk how else to say it)*

So my guess, probs 100% wrong

– so person touches phone screen to type and send message

– screen receives some sort of heat signals or something and on each area of the screen it has some sort of information saying what to do when the person touches that spot

– the information goes to the computer in the phone and then relays the information onto the screen

– then when sending a message or whatever, whisky on wifi or phone network the information goes from the phone to the wifi/phone network through electrical currents in the air????? That look like what?? Is it like electrons that connect like a tunnel and it moves from the phone to the router/modem/phone tower???

– then it goes to the satellite?? By the same type of tunnel thing?

– then from satellite to other persons router/phone tower?

– then that information goes to their phone computer

– then the computer sends signal to their screen

That was probably so wrong lmfao please correct me and also tell me what it actually looks like if we were to see the electricity or whatever is happening

Edit: *whilst not whisky lmfao

Edit: also how do computers have lights? Like say a phone. If you turn it off no light, turn it in it has light on the screen. So does the electricity from when you charge it get stored somewhere in the phone then when you turn it on the electricity goes into the tiny squares that make up the screen? Then how does it change colours? And if that’s not correct how does it work?

Also just computers in general. First off who found out how to make a computer. What were they doing to do that like, how did they know how to get electricity (or whoever “found” electricity first) and make a box thing with microchips etc. Wtf is a microchip and how did they make it and put information on it. Just literally the whole thing computers are so complicated and I don’t get how someone could invent that.

In: 9

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thats pretty close, is a good surface level understanding.

The screen detects your finger press by pressure and difference of potential.

The message is sent from your phone to a cell tower using a signal, it doesnt look like anything. its invisible to the human eye. That tower receives the signal and forwards it on in the form of switching and routing equipment, normally through a cable. Cell towers dont usually talk to a satellite, but there is no reason they cannot, mostly it depends on where the tower is located. The switching and routing equipment will route the message to another cell tower, and send it to the receiving phone.

When you charge the phone its stored in a battery, that will power the screen.

There wasnt one person who invented a computer, it was many people over the course of time. An abacus can be considered a simple computer by how it manipulates numbers. We just designed more complex machines over time, and as electricity became available, it was just another tool we could use to make more complex machines.

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