Can you really develop a tolerance for things your body treats as bad? Poisons/Allergens. If so, how and why does this work?


Can you really develop a tolerance for things your body treats as bad? Poisons/Allergens. If so, how and why does this work?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can only partially answer this, but one example of what you’re talking about is vaccines. When you get a vaccine you’re really being given a very very weak form of an illness. It’s not strong enough to really hurt you, but it’s enough to train your body against, and teach it how to fight that kind of illness.

Imagine, for example, that you were put in a boxing ring against a professional fighter. You probably wouldn’t stand a chance.. But what if that fighter had their hands tied behind their back? They couldn’t really hurt you, so you’d have a huge advantage, and you’d be able to learn how to punch effectively and knock them out.

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