Can you turn full cream milk into semi-skimmed or skimmed by simply adding water to it? (UK milk terminology used).


Can you turn full cream milk into semi-skimmed or skimmed by simply adding water to it? (UK milk terminology used).

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

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No, you would be just diluting it. The fat content which differs between semi skimmed , skimmed etc.. will remain unchanged.

The only difference between the different milk labels is the amount of fat.

Lower fat milk is made by removing the fat. If you add water to milk you would be making the milk “weaker”. It would be less concentrated, and won’t taste the same, but the fat, protein, vitamins, calcium etc. will not be changed.

Fat does carry flavour molecules though, thats why people like or dislike full fat/cream milk , because they would be tasting a “milkier” taste.

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