Changing gears


What happens when you change gears with a manual car? Like what happens that allows the car run better and go faster?

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8 Answers

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The same as when the gear is changed in a car with automatic transmission. The gearbox changes how and which gear is connected with each other.

If you two gears with different numbers of teeth connected together one rotation of one gear do not result in one rotation of the other gear. It can be fewer or more rotations. So when you shift gear in a gearbox the number of rotations the outgoing axis do for one revolution of the incoming changes.

Internal combustion engines are not as effective at all RPMs. the torque and power depend on the RPM. It might be that works best between 2000 and 3000 pm and the highest rpm it can handle before breaking might be 6000.

If the car goes at 30km/h at 2000 rpm it will go 60km/h at 4000 RPM. If you like to drive 120km/h the engine needs to run at 8000rpm and that is faster than it can handle.

The solution is to change the gearing so you can run in the 2000-3000 rpm range at any speed.

If you have used a bike where you can change gears by moving the change between gears with a different number of teeth you have used and seen something that fulfills the same functions as a gearbox in a car. You like to have a gear so the moment if your legs are at an appropriate number of revolutions per minute. An internal combustion engine in a car is no different.

Electric cars do have gear but only a single fixed gear ratio. The electic motor has higher max rpm, quite constant efficiency regardless of rpm, and provides high torque at low rpm. So there is no need to change gears.

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