Computer Science vs Computer Information Science


I cannot decide which one to take in college. Help

In: Technology

7 Answers

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The ELI5 explination: Think of Information Science individuals as expert tool users. Think of Computer Science majors as expert tool makers.

The longer but still very simplified walkout:

Information science related specialties try to always relate their activities back to some variant of this [pyramid]( in some way shape or form. Almost everything they learn will directly touch at least one tier of the pyramid.

Computer science will touch on most layers of data processing very slightly but dive deeper into building more efficient tools that IT operatives use. It does this through a deeper and thorough understanding of what a program actually is and how it talks to every level under it. There is more math involved. Do not let that deter you.

There is a lot of cross over between both. Personally, I advise people who dont know what they want to aim for the computer science degree for opening doors. If they can’t handle the the math or find its not for them, shifting over to an IS speciality is a bit less jarring than the other way around.

A CS major can just use basic industry certs to move into an IS domain if they wish. It takes a bit more rigerous certs and/or experience for an IS individual to move into CS lanes. Doable, but more rare.

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