Computer specs?


I consider myself a pretty avid gamer, been playing games for the majority of my life, and as I start making gaming friends and playing more mmos and fps’, I’ve had people ask me about my PC. The specs, how much RAM, etc… can someone explain what all that is? I have a general idea but would like to know enough to be able to hold a conversation with someone. Also, how does one check their specs?

Edit: thanks so much for all the in depth replies! Learned a good bit as well 🙂

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Partial answer only as you’re asking for a very long explanation because there are a lot of different specs.

To check specs, most online stores include a “spec sheet” as a downloadable page or columned report. Google a gaming computer’s model number and it usually takes you to a site that spells things out. These SHOULD be better than the minimum specifications listed by the game you’re targeting to play, the more they exceed minimal spec, the better.

If you google “how to buy a gaming rig”, you’ll almost certainly get the answer you’re looking for on individual components and what they do.

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