converging electrical light to fire


Maybe title explains my question wrong so I’m hoping this will clarify.
With the understanding electricity is basically concentrated energy that can be converted to create power and that power can be converted to create light. electricity itself can create a form of light without being used for anything specific. Is it possible to use the light from wild electricity to create a fire using a magnifying glass like you would use the sun on a bright clear day? Obviously it would be dangerous to be close enough but is it possible?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not sure I entirely understand the question, but I’m going to address a few things I think you’re getting at.

First, electricity absolutely can start fires. Lightning does it in nature, and electrical fires are a very real danger in human structures.

Second, there’s not really a magnifying glass equivalent for electricity in the way there is for light, thought you can certainly have multiple sources or paths of electricity converge at one point and combine. But an actual magnifying glass would have no effect (or rather, glass is a pretty decent insulator against electricity).

Third, the fact that we can use electricity to make light doesn’t translate into an electric charge and photons behaving similarly any more than water is similar to a mule because both can turn a millstone.

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