Could the world eventually become one race through the interbreeding of races over time?


Genetically speaking is it possible? I would like to know more about how dom/recess genes work with skin complexion as i’m just basing this question on the layman’s observation that interracial couples produce mixed childen whose skin complexion lies somewhere between the two.. This would also be assuming an idealistic future world society millions of years down the road whose moralities have progressed past all prejudice/racism/tribalism due to globalization/integration/social reform.

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m gonna go ahead and say *no*.

The results of population combo’s like the Metis will, after a certain population size is reached, often just form their own community instead of assimilating into either parent group, and even then those can be subdivided by origin and location. On the other end of the scale you have populations like Japanese Brazillians who are still mostly Japanese culturally and genetically despite being up to half a dozen generations out from immigration and are increasingly distinct from Japan’s native population. Which will of course bring up populations like the Ainu that show that native populations can and will remain distinct despite heavy social pressure and a fairly small area. Which we can use to loop back around to the Saami who maintain their own ethnic, linguistic, and cultural identity within Europe despite never having been a continual nation or unified people. Which will bring us to Kurdistan. Which can bring us to a million other groups around the world.

More people moving has traditionally just meant more separate groups forming. The idea of a unified national identity or broad overarching racial identity as Americans understand it only really happens when a state or civil authority works to make it happen. Even if we were all the same shade of brown we’d just divide based on other ethnographic or cultural lines.

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