Could the world eventually become one race through the interbreeding of races over time?


Genetically speaking is it possible? I would like to know more about how dom/recess genes work with skin complexion as i’m just basing this question on the layman’s observation that interracial couples produce mixed childen whose skin complexion lies somewhere between the two.. This would also be assuming an idealistic future world society millions of years down the road whose moralities have progressed past all prejudice/racism/tribalism due to globalization/integration/social reform.

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. Technically we are already one race. The biological differences between what we refer to as “races” are so minor and negligible that there is no scientific basis for differentiating them. That’s what people mean when they say that “race” is a cultural construct.

But when it comes to those minor biological differences, like skin tone, even they will blend together with time, assuming enough interbreeding happens. There is actually already a sort of prototype for this: [Brazil]( Almost half of Brazil’s population is a mix between European, African, and Amerindian ancestry.

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