Could the world eventually become one race through the interbreeding of races over time?


Genetically speaking is it possible? I would like to know more about how dom/recess genes work with skin complexion as i’m just basing this question on the layman’s observation that interracial couples produce mixed childen whose skin complexion lies somewhere between the two.. This would also be assuming an idealistic future world society millions of years down the road whose moralities have progressed past all prejudice/racism/tribalism due to globalization/integration/social reform.

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The short answer is yes.

The slightly longer answer is yes, we are not really divided into races in a biological sense as it is.

The long answer includes an explanation of how skin color genes work, and how human migration history and environment together explain why people look different in different areas of the planet.

I don’t have time now but will come back later if you don’t get a long answer from someone else. As an evolutionary biologist I feel obliged to provide one but not now.

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