Difference between MAC and IP address


I’m aware that the mac address is part of the data link layer, but why can’t I just use my MAC address as IP address, too?
Why do I need both addresses?

In: 14

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a MAC address as your name

Think of an IP address as your home address or phone number.

Me knowing your name, does not mean I automatically know your phone number or mailing address.

At the same time if I am clever I can use I can use the knowledge of one to figure out the other, but I still wouldn’t put only your name on a letter I am sending you once I have figured out your mailing address and expect it to arrive to you.

Because while I now have the knowledge of where the person going by your name lives, the postal service (rest of the network devices) do not necessarily also all know that information without also having to go and try to look it up.

So to make it easier and faster for everyone I just put your postal address (IP address) instead.

Hopefully that makes sense, it’s not a perfect analogy but it is the most simple way I can explain it.

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