Difference between pulling the plug and switching off


For example, I have a stand fan in my bedroom and I wanna be able to turn it on and off via a switch on my side table (it doesn’t come with a remote, unfortunately). The fan will be set on a specific fan speed and I’ll just have to turn it on or off. Are there gonna be any bad effects to the fan with this setup?

Also, can this be applicable to other small appliances like TVs?

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7 Answers

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Especially with more smart appliances it is highly recommended that you use the proper shut down process before disconnecting the plug.

As you pull the plug from a working appliance that draws significant power, it creates a spike in the outlet but also in you home circuit. In most cases, it is not harmful, as there likely is some surge protection, it is still a risk, it is also increases the risk of a spark and an electric shock.

In smart appliances specifically, there is a certain risk that they are running some background update that might mess the appliance up when you pull the plug.

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