Difference between pulling the plug and switching off


For example, I have a stand fan in my bedroom and I wanna be able to turn it on and off via a switch on my side table (it doesn’t come with a remote, unfortunately). The fan will be set on a specific fan speed and I’ll just have to turn it on or off. Are there gonna be any bad effects to the fan with this setup?

Also, can this be applicable to other small appliances like TVs?

In: 2

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pulling the plug while something is powered on is less desirable. It runs the risk of causing an arc between the socket and the plug, which can damage either. This is less true for smaller electrical loads (like your fan), but you should probably still avoid it, if for no other reason than the plug is probably not expected to make it through as many insertions/removals as your on/off switch is expected to be able to cycle.

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