DNA. What is it made of? How does it makes us what we are? How and why do we share the same DNA with animals, plants, fruits, etc. ?


DNA. What is it made of? How does it makes us what we are? How and why do we share the same DNA with animals, plants, fruits, etc. ?

In: Biology

10 Answers

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We share most of our DNA with almost every living being for two main reasons.

First: We all living beings basically come from the same root. So, if all started for example from individual number 0, the resulting (evolving) descendents have the 0 on it.
Being for example 01, 02, 03

0 is a unicelular organism, and 1 is a animal, 2 is a fungus, and 3 is a plant (this is a very rough example)

So fast forward to the future.

013 is a human
011 is a Dolphin
034 is a Corn
027 is candida albicans
And so and so

So in that example you share 33 percent of your DNA with a dolphin an with a corn and with a fungus, just because at the very beginning we were the same.

The second reason of sharing a big amount of DNA with every living being is that most of the DNA is “Trash” DNA, that means that is DNA that doesn’t do anything.

For example, human may be: 01827491013828759274939

And just 013 is functional, the rest of the numbers are just that, and given that in DNA language there are just 4 letters the probability of having repeated patterns are bigger.

I hope this helps a little bit

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