Do all electric cars use the same charging cable? If so, who decided that design? If not, Why?


Do all electric cars use the same charging cable? If so, who decided that design? If not, Why?

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3 Answers

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In January 2013 the European Commission decided that the standard charging cable for all electric cars in Europe should be the IEC 62196 Type 2 connector. And this made it the practical standard for all charging cables in the world. However in North America the Type 1 connector is still popular but is less capable as it only have two wires where the Type 2 connector have four which is why they are smaller. The Type 2 connector also have an optional DC extension for fast charging. So a Type 2 DC cable does not fit a non-DC fast charging Type 2 car. It should also be noted that the standard only involves the plug and some basic control signals. And as you might have experienced with USB-C connectors just because you can plug two devices together does not necisarily mean that they can work together in the way you want. And this is causing some confusion and frustration for some car owners.

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