Do Black Holes have a front and back, or can they be entered from all sides?


Whenever I see pictures of black holes warping space time, it looks like a sink hole sucking matter in. So, hypothetically, if you were to approach it does it just look the same from all sides, or face a certain direction?

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24 Answers

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A black hole isn’t actually a hole or a “funnel” as is commonly depicted. They don’t have “fronts” or “backs.” A black hole is a 3-dimensional region of space where gravity is so strong, nothing – not even light, can escape. The point of no return for entering a black hole is called the event horizon, and it’s an imaginary spherical 3-D shell that surrounds the black hole, so you can cross the horizon at an point. Note that it’s not an actually physical boundary of any kind, just a point where once you cross it, you can never go back.

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