Do Black Holes have a front and back, or can they be entered from all sides?


Whenever I see pictures of black holes warping space time, it looks like a sink hole sucking matter in. So, hypothetically, if you were to approach it does it just look the same from all sides, or face a certain direction?

In: 6

24 Answers

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There isn’t an ‘entrance’ or an ‘exit’ from a black hole. Like any object whose structure is shaped by gravity, the black hole itself is a perfectly spherical object and would look the same from any angle. Think of a planet – does it have a front or a back? No, it doesn’t. No one spot on a planet can claim to be any more frontal than any other.

If you were approaching an actively ‘feeding’ black hole, however, then the structure of gases surrounding it *would* look different depending on the angle you were approaching it from. Due to the way that rotating matter behaves, it would spread out in a disk around the black hole.

So if you were approaching it from the “top” or “bottom”, it would look like a large rotating disk, changing in color as the gases speed up while getting closer to the black hole. From the “sides” it would look like a thin disk with a bulge in the center. And depending on the exact characteristics of the black hole, you might also see high-energy jets shooting out perpendicular to the disk.

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