Do frozen embryos yield the same person/animal or “result” regardless of the person that incubates the embryo and when it is incubated?


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I just saw a social media clip where a woman gave birth to her healthy baby resulting from a frozen embryo transplant (not specified if embryo is her genetic material).

The embryo was frozen and stored for 25 years. If the frozen embryo had hypothetically continued to have been viably stored for another 5+ years and implanted into a totally different woman, would the embryo be born with the same exact physical features, genetic health, and possible personality traits as if the embryo were carried and born by it’s actual real-life mother? And as with another woman and storing the embryo lesser or longer, would this result with the same child? This is different from cloning animals or humans, as i’m discussing the exact same embryo within itself every time.

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Anonymous 0 Comments

The DNA of the embryo is the same but depending on who is carrying the embryo, certain genes may or may no be expressed. We all have a ton of DNA and only some of it is expressed or “turned on” if you think of it like a light switch. The DNA of the embryo itself won’t change but some genes might be flipped on in one womb where as it might not be in another.

But even when an embryo is in their own biological mother’s womb there’s lots of factors that play into what genes are expressed or not. But overwhelmingly yes, it would be the same embryo with the same features, health, etc.