Do humans have the same blood that we had as a kid? How come blood doesn’t expire inside of us since we range from different temperatures and are exposed to oxygen etc.


Do we somehow maintain the same blood for the rest of our lives and we just pump more if we lose some. Blood expires in hospitals and not when inside of us?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Blood expires in hospitals and not when inside of us?

Circulation, and constantly replenished air supply to combat effects of respiration. Live animals have blood circulation, dead carcasses blood get pooled and soon the meat is unconsumable or just bad tasting.

Blood storage is usual…refrigeration. plasma storage use agitators.

That’s all i know how to eli5. Further explanation may not fit eli5 as it will involve analogies and slaughtering vs knocking animals out on the head. Too complicated

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