Do sociopathic people still have a psychological need to interact with other human beings to not go insane?


I saw a documentary on isolation cells and their often terrible effects, and was wondering about this.

In: Other

4 Answers

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Most human beings can function without other human beings for long periods of time. Their happiness is likely to be negatively affected, but to my knowledge solitude isn’t otherwise harmful.

Harmful effects are separate from merely being isolated. Solitary confinement in prison is very stressful. And when stuck in space/underwater/extreme weather for a long time there is a large risk of cabin fever. These aren’t really caused by the absence of people (though human contact might make the situation less stressful). Afaik, this is more related to lack of outside stimulus, monotony and getting stuck in a destructive mental routine. Whether this is worse or better for sociopaths, I don’t know.

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