do starfish have memory? If so, what do they remember and how long do they remember it for?

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I’m trying to better understand the differences between sentience, sapience, and sophonce, to help me better develop my speculative biology projects. I thought it might be helpful to also look at what a lack of sentience looks like.
I repeatedly run into people saying starfish aren’t sentient, which as far as I understand means it just immediately reacts to stimuli without any forethought.
However, I also see that they feel pain, which Wikipedia says is an indicator of sentience. I think understanding how a starfish reacts to something like pain would help me a lot with this thing, in differentiating sentience from non-sentience.
If a starfish lacks memory, pain is just a sensation that makes them move away from the threat, or makes them attack, and makes sense in a non-sentient animal. In this case, the starfish only knows to flee or defend itself from a pain-causing thing when it actually causes pain, but doesn’t learn to avoid that thing by associating it with the pain.
If a starfish DOES have memory, and can remember to associate pain with something and avoid it, though, that makes things weirder. Either it means starfish are sentient, or the divide between sentience and non-sentience is blurrier than I thought.

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Starfish apparently can have memory. I found a recent paper that tried classical conditioning (think Pavlov’s dogs) and got starfish to associate turning their tank’s lights off with feeding.

This was only last year and so researchers don’t yet know how they do this as they don’t have a brain, only a distributed nervous system.

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