Do vitamin supplements actually work?


Basically the title. Do they actually work? How are these gummy bear vitamins or pills made?

In: 26

11 Answers

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Vitamins and other supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA, so the accuracy of the label, as well as the quality of ingredients, can vary wildly. That’s one thing you have to watch out for:


There’s also the fact that lots of vitamins and minerals compete with each other for absorption, so it’s counterproductive to take all of them at once in a multivitamin. The vitamins and minerals you obtain from food are generally going to be better absorbed and better for your overall health than what you find in a multivitamin.

It takes a bit of work, but I would simply research every individual vitamin and mineral and see if you’re already getting enough of them in your diet. If you suspect a deficiency, then try to find a specific food that is high in that particular vitamin or mineral, and if you can’t do that, *then* you should consider supplementing that specific vitamin or mineral.

Look for supplements that have 3rd-party testing and come from reputable companies.

To be clear, I do think supplementation can be extremely useful, and certain things like vitamin D can actually be pretty hard to get from your ordinary diet, you just need to be very judicious about which supplements you take.

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