Docker and Kubernetes


As Windows Server / Azure developer focusing exclusively on C# and React I heard multiple times about docker and Kubernetes. From what I understood it is something about having your OS configuration stored in a file that is shipped together with your app. But I don’t have a single clue what it does and why is it so important. I guess Docker and Windows make no sense as this is primarily for Linux configuration?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, I could try to eli5 the concepts, but it’s already been done in a really well-done way ( and is how I understood it at first ) so I would suggest to take a look here:

Anonymous 0 Comments

Docker: Uses containers. Containers are like virtual machines, but they run using the host operating system’s kernel. That means you have to run Linux containers on a Linux machine and Windows containers on a Windows machine. And yes, a container is a self contained image that contains all the things an app needs to run and it isolated from the rest of the host machine.

Kubernetes: An orchestration system for containers. Maintains them, makes sure they’re running, restarts them as needed, load balances them across multiple servers in a kubernetes cluster.