Does a polyglot learn languages differently than an average person?


Also, is it possible to anyone to become a polyglot?

In: Culture

4 Answers

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At around age 12, on average, our brains stop “acquiring” language and begin “learning” language. These are seated in different parts of the brain. There’s an interesting case where an anglophone man who learned Spanish later in life was in a terrible car accident and had brain damage. He stopped being able to speak his native English but could still speak Spanish. So there comes a point where you can no longer become a ‘native’ speaker of a language and are instead translating in your brain. Many languages are related though. I speak French and English myself but I can easily understand spanish and some Italian as they are both very similar to French – Latin-based. The more languages you know, the easier it is to understand and learn another because it’s likely related to a language you already know.

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