Does cost of living ever go down, or just stop going up so quickly?


Is the only chance of reprieve to get paid more?

In: 344

14 Answers

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Most of the costs of living have gone done over the decades, it’s just that wages haven’t exactly kept up.

Electronics in particular have REALLY come down, a TV or telephone used to be a really big deal and nowadays you can have one in just about every room while every family member has a cell phone.

Cars are likely another big thing that have come down, you won’t find a sports car but a generic high efficiency commuter vehicle is fairly cheap compared to historically available vehicles; brand new Toyota Corolla is like 21k and can be had with like 10k and a pre-owned warranty for like 14k making them a very reliable and affordable first car.

The cost of housing is generally the only problematic bit (well medical too) as it seems to climb at a rate higher than any other cost of living improvements.

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