Does global food export/import create an imbalance in biomass etc


I live in a country that’s not self sufficient when it comes to food production, so much of our foodstuff needs to be imported. I’m wondering if the food that is grown elsewhere (fruits, vegetables, meats, grains etc) and then consumed here is creating an imbalance in soil quality, “available biomass” for future food production, or other factors I haven’t mentioned.

This question is only about the growing, displacement, consumption (and whatever happens next) of foodstuffs, so not interested in the effects of transports or consumption in general.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know this isn’t really what you asked about, but on a semi-related topic, Stuff you should know (podcast) released an episode on invasive species not too long ago. It kind of touches on some of these points. Pretty interesting.

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