Does Homeopathy works? If not then why people use it ?


My dad has done MSc in Analytical Chemistry he is well educated and a wise man, Me/My Family and Even some doctors cannot debunk his trust on Homeopathy
I want some clever and factual explanations which I will forward to him

Thanks in advance

In: Biology

18 Answers

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There are some “natural” remedies proven to work for different things… there’s been a lot of studies on coffee, peppermint and lavender essential oils and weed.

However, Homeopathy lives in the realm of anecdotal evidence. Typically someone will get a following to try their celery juice (as an example) by saying “it worked for me” and that’s enough.

interestingly enough when you get into homeopathic therapy someone who’s convinced people but not good at lying to them long term will end up saying something like “it’s not medicine, it won’t work immediately. It just doesn’t have the bad stuff that medicine has” but then they struggle to actually explain the bad stuff in medicine and lean on the big pharma arguement.

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