Does Homeopathy works? If not then why people use it ?


My dad has done MSc in Analytical Chemistry he is well educated and a wise man, Me/My Family and Even some doctors cannot debunk his trust on Homeopathy
I want some clever and factual explanations which I will forward to him

Thanks in advance

In: Biology

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whilst we know placebo’s work, I haven’t seen ‘regression to the mean’ mentioned in the thread.

This is a rule where everything returns to average/normal. So, if you have a chronic illness (such as multiple sclerosis), or a self limiting illness (viral chest infection), you seek out healthcare when you are at your absolute worst.

If you take a placebo or homeopathic treatment, the disease returns to normal (if a chronic illness) or resolves (if self limiting), and you attribute that change to the treatment. People have bad days with chronic illnesses and viral illness resolve on their own.

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