Does Homeopathy works? If not then why people use it ?


My dad has done MSc in Analytical Chemistry he is well educated and a wise man, Me/My Family and Even some doctors cannot debunk his trust on Homeopathy
I want some clever and factual explanations which I will forward to him

Thanks in advance

In: Biology

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

What is crazy is the body’s potential to create drugs inside of itself. Especially pain killer opiate like stuff. When they administer ppl a placebo, but tell them it’s a painkiller, they don’t feel as much pain. OK, so it’s subjective, they’re kidding themselves. Right? Nope. When they administer an opiod blocker, they DO feel pain again! All tested double blind. So the placebo triggers a real effect in a person’s body. Real opoids are beeing produced. And it’s just ppl brains that trigger it, a concious idea of “I’m going to feel less pain now”. So based on that, yes, I think homeopathy can “work”. Whether it’s just tapwater or magic in the bottle doesn’t matter, you just have to believe in it. The “believe” is also relative I think. I’m scared of ghost movies even though I don’t believe in ghosts. Somewhere I apparently do though, otherwise I wouldn’t be scared. Homeopathy/placebo might work the same way, you can’t really NOT believe in it. Getting it at a store, seeing it in a medication bottle, paying money for it (very important!) all prime your subconsciousness into thinking it’s real.

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