Does metabolism affect the total amount of consumed calories


I’ve never figured this one out – if I consume excess amount of calories but shit most of it out, has my body really consumed the amount of calories from the food I ate?

For example if I lose all of my self control and eat a large 1500 calorie pizza in one go and take a huge dump half hours later – did my body really consume 1500 calories? Or just a fraction of it?

Logically I’m leaning towards the second option but I’ve heard that humans only excrete the inedible parts of food. Also if it were true, “shit yourself thin” diets would probably be quite popular.

Advice much appreciated 😀

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dump you take a half hour later, however satisfying, is from food that you ate much earlier (i.e. yesterday). You’ll see your pizza make its way out much later (maybe tomorrow), after your body has its way with those calories and nutrients.

The “inedible” parts of food you mentioned is fiber (edible, but your body can’t digest it, generally speaking). That’s still used by your body to make your dump more bulky and pass more quickly/easily.

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