Think of your muscles like a building that’s being built. The building needs concrete. If the builders run out of concrete while they’re working one day, they have to stop working that day until they get more concrete. So the building process will progress more slowly.
But if they receive more concrete than they need, they’re not necessarily going to build faster. They can only build at a certain speed, because generally concrete availability isn’t the limiting factor on building speed. It just takes time. And since concrete has to be fresh to be usable, they’ll end up throwing away any excess. It will go to waste.
Protein is like concrete. When you work out and tear down your muscles, your body needs to rebuild them (and will rebuild them stronger so they can better handle the stress you’re putting on them). Protein is an essential ingredient in repairing / building muscle. If you don’t provide your body with enough protein, it can’t rebuild as fast or as well as it could. But providing too much protein won’t be beneficial. Your body will just break it down and use it for energy or turn it into fat.
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