Does shaking the egg really explain if it’s gone bad?


Does shaking the egg really explain if it’s gone bad?

In: 1

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bad eggs float in water because they’ve produced too much gas from decomposing. There is your test.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bad eggs float in water because they’ve produced too much gas from decomposing. There is your test.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best method is to submerge the egg in water and see if it sinks/floats. This works because as bacteria consume the nutrients within the egg, they produce gas as a byproduct of their metabolism. Fully sunk eggs are good, eggs that sink but stand up should be consumed soon, and floating eggs should not be consumed.

Tbis is the same reason why shaking is supposed to work, the gas production should cause an audible amount of sloshing to be heard within the egg. Personally, I prefer the submerging method because it’s more accurate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best method is to submerge the egg in water and see if it sinks/floats. This works because as bacteria consume the nutrients within the egg, they produce gas as a byproduct of their metabolism. Fully sunk eggs are good, eggs that sink but stand up should be consumed soon, and floating eggs should not be consumed.

Tbis is the same reason why shaking is supposed to work, the gas production should cause an audible amount of sloshing to be heard within the egg. Personally, I prefer the submerging method because it’s more accurate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

More reliable imo to put the egg in a bowl of water and see if it floats. Of so it’s a bad egg

Anonymous 0 Comments

More reliable imo to put the egg in a bowl of water and see if it floats. Of so it’s a bad egg

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. If you hear sloshing, that means air got in the shell, the lining has separated, and it is not safe to eat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. If you hear sloshing, that means air got in the shell, the lining has separated, and it is not safe to eat.