Does sugar found in fruits such as strawberries differentiate from sugar found in soft drinks? Do they have the same effect on the body healthwise?


Does sugar found in fruits such as strawberries differentiate from sugar found in soft drinks? Do they have the same effect on the body healthwise?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

With very few exceptions, the sugar in fruits and other plant sources is sucrose, just like table salt. Lots of processed foods in the US use “high fructose corn syrup” which is basically the same thing but with each molecule broken into its two components (which is done by your body very soon after eating it anyway)

In terms of the way your body processes it, there’s essentially no difference.

The main reason eating *fruit* isn’t bad for you is that fruit contains enough fibre to slow the absorption to a rate where your liver can process it properly, whereas drink rarely have any fibre at all, so your liver is forced to process it by the quick but unhealthy metabolic pathways that lead to all sorts of Bad Things^TM.

Although the title is really click baity sounding, the video [Sugar, the Bitter Truth]( is actually really informative and explains more than you want to know about exactly this question 😛

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