Does the probability of death increase when there are more people?


Say there is a 1 in 10 chance of death from a virus. My partner suggested that between the two of us, we would have a higher chance of one of us dying. I don’t agree and think that it is still a 1 in 10 chance. But I’m a bit thick when it comes to math…

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6 Answers

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Assuming that the 10% chance of death was studied from a larger group of people and that is an accurate number then you still have a 10% chance at death.

This is all assuming no outside factors that actually go into deciding your chances of death. For example, if someone is 85 years old with asthma then they’re chances of dying from Covid are higher than a healthy 25 year old with no underlying conditions.

So assuming this virus has a 10% chance of death no matter the other factors then you are correct, the group size doesn’t matter. Every individual person has a 10% chance at death which means 10/100 people will die and 100/1,000 people will die when infected.

Realistically, everyone’s chances of death when infected with a virus is different. I hope this makes sense, lol.

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