Does wearing glasses affect how we see distances in video games like R6S?


Does wearing glasses affect how we see distances in video games like R6S?

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nope. Glasses correct for not seeing sharp either nearby or far-away, so basically any issues you might have with depth. When you look at a monitor, your eyes focus on the monitor itself and since a monitor doens’t show depth, wearing glasses doesn’t correct anything that can be seen on the display.

Wearing glasses while looking at a monitor might be necessary when you have trouble seeing sharp nearby, because of the placement of the monitor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, because there is no distance past the monitor/TV. It’s nothing more than looking at a 2D picture. The “distance” in-game is just an illusion for your brain.

You will see that whole picture with the same clarity as you can see anything else at that same distance.