– Doesn’t the AC use the same amount of electricity if you have it set to 68F or 70F when it’s 100F outside? If it’s on its on right?


– Doesn’t the AC use the same amount of electricity if you have it set to 68F or 70F when it’s 100F outside? If it’s on its on right?

In: Technology

7 Answers

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It will use the same amount of electricity cooling down from 100 to 70. At this point it will shut off and use NO electricity.

However if you have it set to 68 then it will continue to run until it reaches 68 and *only then* will it shut off.

The difference in energy usage is in how much energy it takes to cool it down the extra 2 degrees. On hotter days this takes more energy than colder days because the house is heating up faster and thus requiring the AC unit to cycle on more often.

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